Cooperation agreements

The Zagros International University has signed cooperation agreements with 74 prestigious universities in Turkey. Under this collaboration, students of Zagros International University who have completed at least 5 terms of their study program are eligible to transfer to one of these Turkish universities. Additionally, the opportunity for remote, non-attendance-based study is available for all international students of Zagros University, allowing them to benefit from diverse educational experiences.

  1. TED University
  2. Istanbul Altınbaş University
  3. Fatih Sultan Mehmet University
  4. Istanbul Bilgi University
  5. Istanbul Gelişim University
  6. Ankara Medipol University
  7. Near East University
  8. Konya Food and Agriculture University
  9. Ostim Technical University
  10. Lokman Hekim University
  11. Yaşar University
  12. Hasan Kalyoncu University
  13. Ankara Science University
  14. Turkish Aeronautical Association University
  15. Altın University
  16. Esenyurt University
  17. Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
  18. İstanbul Şehir University
  19. Bilkent University
  20. Toros University
  21. Bahçeşehir Cyprus University
  22. Kyrenia University
  23. Cyprus Science University
  24. Cyprus West University
  25. Nişantaşı University
  26. Bahçeşehir University
  27. Istanbul Aydın University
  28. Istanbul Medipol University
  29. Beykent University
  30. Doğuş University
  31. Beykoz University
  32. Istanbul Gedik University
  33. Özyeğin University
  34. Kadir Has University
  35. Istanbul Topkapı University
  36. Sabancı University
  37. Koç University
  38. Maltepe University
  39. Istanbul Kent University
  40. Istanbul Kültür University
  41. Yeditepe University
  42. Istanbul Arel University
  43. Işık University
  44. Yeni Yüzyıl University
  45. Üsküdar University
  46. Haliç University
  47. Biruni University
  48. Istanbul Atlas University
  49. Istanbul Okan University
  50. Eastern Mediterranean University
  51. Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University

About Zagros International University

Welcome to Zagros International University a place for science, culture, and innovation. In a knowledge-based environment, we are proud to realize educational justice and train capable students in the fields of medicine and paramedicine.

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Happy Teacher’s Day

You should leave the world a little better than what you have received delivery Either with a good child Either with a green garden Even with a little improvement in social conditions And to know even just one person with you He breathed easier It means you have succeeded Dear teacher, you made our world a little better, a little more aware, a little more human Happy day

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