We congratulate all dear students on the Sha’ban and the birth anniversary of Hazrat Mahdi Mououd (A.S.)
Half of Sha’ban is one of the glorious holidays among the Muslims of the world, which coincides with the birth of the only savior of mankind, Hazrat Sahib al-Zaman (AS). He is the twelfth imam of the Shiites who are absent from the views according to God’s will and when the ground for their appearance is created, they will appear with God’s permission and fill the world with justice and giving.
Hazrat Mahdi was born in Samarra on the 15th of the month of Sha’ban in the year 255 AH. He is the only son of Imam Hasan Askari (AS), the eleventh Imam of Shiites. Hazrat Mahdi, after five years of living under the tutelage of his honorable parents, Narjes Khatun, assumed the position of Imamate of Shiites in 260 AH following the martyrdom of Hazrat Askari (AS) at the age of 5. Due to the lunar date of the birth of Hazrat Mahdi, the date of his birth does not have a fixed solar Hijri date and every year this day is circulating in our solar calendar.
According to the public relations report of Zagros International University, the text of the message of “Mr. Dr. Mirzaei Moghadam and Mrs. Dr. Ahanchi” to the students is as follows:
In the name of Allah, light
Alham Ajl Lulik al Faraj
I congratulate the birth of Massoud, the only savior of mankind, Hazrat Wali Asr (arvahana la al-fidah) to all those who are waiting for him, especially the students and personnel of the International University of Zagros, and I ask God Almighty to hasten his blessed life.
Half of Sha’ban is one of the most auspicious and blessed Muslim holidays and a valuable spiritual opportunity to communicate more with the Creator of the universe and obtain divine blessings.
A blessed Eid which, in the belief of the waiting people, evokes the excitement of meeting the promised Jamal. The morning when the rays of the sun of justice and justice are tied to the hands of the waiting hands, so that the foundation of injustice and injustice will be removed from the world.
The personnel of the International University of Zagros, like other admirers and waiting for His Holiness, with the hope of achieving lasting peace and ending war and enmity from the face of the world, began to pray and by reviving the night of the middle of Sha’ban from the door of the merciful Lord, the success of understanding His presence and serving in the evening. They demand his appearance.
Also, on this blessed Eid, from the door of Hazrat Uhadit for the unknown soldiers of Imam Zaman (A.S.) who are in the field of struggle and jihad, with firm faith and will and sharp eyes, who did not neglect for a moment to observe the insidious and mercenary movements of the enemies and to protect and They work hard to protect the ideals of the Islamic system, and I wish health and happiness to all the hard workers in the medical field who selflessly serve their fellow citizens.
Dr. Mohammad Mirzaei Moghadam
Dr. Mahsa Ahanchi
Director General and Director of Iran Branch of Zagros International University